Author: autononymous
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:18 pm
Yes Romeo, I think I know what you are talking about when you say your mood just suddenly plummets. I’ve experienced rapid-fire mood swings a lot. For me, some of it seemed to come from my struggling with my depression–I would find myself consciously trying to pull myself out of deep depression but it really wouldn’t work for more than a minute or so at a time. I am on wellbutrin too and it helps me a lot. Of course i had depression long before my opiate addiction, in my case it may be the opposite of most in that if anything my depression has been less, not more, after addiction and then remission. In face my life long depression even went into an unexplained remission for a couple of years. However, I do think that opiate addiction and then PAWS can cause depression in people who didn’t have it before. Also, though, depression can hit anyone at any point in their life, even people who’ve never had it before. the good news is that the ADs do help a lot of people. and wellbutrin DOES seem to work a lot faster than the SSRIs.
It sounds like you didn’t really understand what depression is before. Well, too bad you had to learn by experiencing it but most of our experiences, even negative ones, have some value, so hopefully this one will too. But I’m glad the wellbutrin is working for you, hopefully it will continue to help, and also, sounds to me likely that you won’t have to take an AD forever. One more thing–regarding the mood swings you described–if that continues you should talk to your doctor about it–he or she might recommend another medication instead or in addition to the wellbutrin. I have never tried them myself but I know that many people are helped by taking a mood stabilizer, which is different than an AD.