Cannot Stop Crying

by Admin

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Author: Romeo

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:51 am

Hey BK,

Is it ever nice to have you back!!

I’m sorry you’re having a rough time with your taper. Like the others have said, crying during detox/taper is not unusual. I broke down many times during my detox. It’s just part of the healing process.

I would also suggest that you take your taper as slow as you can. You’re in a bit of a pickle because of the side effects the medicine is causing and I understand that. You’re kinda walking a tightrope with your taper.

I’m glad you decided to take that .3mg today to make yourself feel better, you have probably tapered a little bit too quickly and there is no shame in taking a small amount of Suboxone to help you stabilize.

Have you looked into Clonidine?? It’s a blood pressure medication that’s prescribed "off label" for opiate wd and it helped me tremendously. It doesn’t eliminate all the wd symptoms, but it sure knocks them down a peg or two. Clonidine calms the Sympathetic Nervous System. Clonidine is NOT addictive either, I took it for months and months and months and discontinued it with no problems at all.

Make sure you Doctor does not confuse Klonopin with Clonidine.

Good luck and keep hanging in there!!

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