Suboxone Tablets and Sublingual Film : New Formulations Webinar
Click Here to Go Straight To The Suboxone Tablet and Sublingual Film New Formulations Webinar
The Physicians clinical support system has free webinars for doctors to help run a suboxone clinic . The webinars are archived on the American Psychiatric Association web site and can be viewed by the public. The last webinar I watched discussd the Suboxone Tablets and Sublingual Film : new formulations. It was well presented and took 45 minutes to view. There were no slides for download with the presentation.
Patients want to know the different forms of suboxone tablest and sublingual film they can take. There are other suboxone forumlations available other than suboxone tablets and sublingual film and in the pipeline. The speaker reviews the current suboxone and buprenorphine formulations along with dosing and half life information. He then discusses the long acting buprenorphine injectable rod , also called Probuphine.
I thought the webinar was an easy listen. It contained mostly information for physicians and treatment specialists, although some member of the public may find this helpful. All the information was relevant. If you are a physician who prescribes suboxone, it would be worth your time to review this webinar. If you are a patient and want to know available suboxone formulations, you may find this of interest.
Here is a screenshot of the suboxone tablets and sublingual film webinar for suboxone clinic physicians

Suboxone Treatment Directory and Suboxone Clinic Directory For Help Opioid Dependence
Dr. Rich is a Board Certified Psychiatrist with licenses in Texas and Hawaii. He specializes in the treatment of opioid addiction with buprenorphine and runs a FREE locator service to find Oxycontin Treament including Suboxone treatment of oxycontin addiction. Find a Suboxone Clinic in your area.
Dr. Rich has written more articles on the cost of oxycontin, buprenorphine (Suboxone) including frequently asked questions and a recent post : Where Do I Get A Suboxone Prescription?
Here are more resources for running a suboxone clinic :
1. SAMHSA information for physicians and other healthcare professionals.
2. American Psychaitric Association