Suboxone Therapy | Opioid Addiction Therapy | Using Network Therapy
Who is this webinar suited for: Physicians, clinicians, therapists. It will bore the average person.
This is a review of a webinar on Suboxone therapy with the use of Network Therapy in the treatment of addictive disorders including opioid addiction. This webinar was related to the series of videos to help with the physician clinical support system for suboxone treatment. To view the webinare you can go here.
I think this webinar is going to be really boring for the average person or patient. That said, it is a good review for therapists and clinicians wanting to know more about Suboxone therapy with network therapy. Dr. Galanter has written book chapters and done research in this area of therapy and his knowledge shows.
For those who are not necessarily interested in going to individual therapy, 12-step programs, or cognitive behavioral treatments, this is another option you can discuss with your doctor. He will be able to provide or refer you to someone who will proved this treatment.
What is suboxone therapy using network therapy? It is a very simple concept. Take a patient wanting to get off opioids and build a small network of supportive individuals that will provide support and assistance. This network will meet regularly with the physician to review their progress. It is a nonjudgemental approach. Medication approaches including methadone or suboxone may be combined with this treatment.
Suboxone Therapy with Network Therapy Highlights
- Network Therapy: Using the Patient’s Family and Peer support for effective office practice
- Contains a nice review of classical and operant conditioning
- Help guide the patient to recall what precipitated the use of the drug in the past
- How to make network therapy work
- How to find a support network with family and friends
- Monitoring and supporting the network
- Meeting with the network
- Community reinforcement-rewards from family and approval
- Focus is on the patient and not on the family: restructing of relations, just working on the abstinence
- Spousal reinforcement
- Relapse prevention
- Not psychodynamic
Suboxone Therapy Network Therapy Review
I found this Suboxone therapy webinar useful. I have used this in my own practice to a limited degree. I think that it can be successful and can be used for first line suboxone therapy. The only downside to this approach is time. It can take a significant amount of time to put together a group, meet regularly, and get the work done. I would be looking at one-hour sessions weekly and then monthly. This is a strain on the ability of all those in the network to attend. Despite the approach being nonjudgemental, I do see it as a form of peer pressure and accountability. Some patients may feel individual therapy is less stressful.
Find Professional Help With Opioid Addiction
Use our FREE services to find help. We have three directories: a Suboxone Dr Directory, Methadone Treatment Clinics Directory, and Oxycontin Treatment Directory. These list will help you find drug addiction treatment in your area. Dr. Rich has more articles on drug addiction including: The Real Suboxone Cost and and Understanding What Is Methadone?
Other Resources
American Journal of Psychaitry Network Therapy
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